Upcoming Public Seminars

Value-Added Selling


April 2 – 3, 2025
(8:30 AM to 4:30 PM each day)

In a competitive market, differentiation is key. What sets you apart from your competitors? Why should customers buy from you? How can you get them to return to you, again and again? What if I told you that you can compete aggressively and outsell the competition while maintaining your profitability? It’s possible through Value-Added Selling, a customer-oriented philosophy focused on adding value, not cost; and selling value, not price.

In this training, Paul Reilly will introduce you to Value-Added Selling and demonstrate how and why this is a viable go-to market strategy for your organization.

Value-Added Selling teaches you how to think about selling. Your conceptual grasp of the Value-Added Selling will give you a competitive edge over salespeople who simply go through the motions. Value-Added Selling teaches you to…

  • Think like customers;
  • Sell your total solution; and
  • Pursue new business while focusing on the retention and growth of existing business.

Value-Added Selling is a total-solutions approach that teaches salespeople to look beyond the core-commodity product. This unifying sales philosophy is for the entire sales force—veteran and rookie alike. Because Value-Added Selling is a primer for professional selling, new salespeople learn a business philosophy to launch their careers. For veteran salespeople, Value-Added Selling is a shot-in-the-arm refresher of what made them successful while learning new ways to sell their total value.

Selling Through Tough Times (New Content)

This tone-setting module introduces participants to the inspirational and practical message of hanging tough mentally and hanging on to profit in tough times. You fight this battle on two fronts. One, you fight it on the streets with your knowledge and skills. Two, you fight it in your mind—your thinking, and your attitude.

Here are the topics covered in this module:

  • Identifying three mistakes salespeople make in tough times
  • Understanding buyer concerns in tough times
  • Embracing the tough-times attitude
  • Supporting and selling strategies for tough times

After this training your salespeople will be able to:

  • Discuss how to overcome the top mistakes salespeople make in tough times;
  • Describe concerns buyers have in tough times;
  • Detail ways to mentally prepare for tough times; and
  • Describe how to protect existing business in tough times.

ON-SITE two-day training agenda

Fee for the Value-Added Selling public seminar: $1,950.00 per participant
(Limited to 15 participants)
Scroll to bottom of page for registration

ON-SITE Training Location:
Tom Reilly Training
171 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63005
(St. Louis area – Airport code: STL)



Dates to be announced soon!
(8:30 AM to 4:30 PM)

Calling All Sales Leaders!

Join us for our next Coaching for Sales Success seminar!

Consider the following statistics…

  • 56% of salespeople say they’re not being coached the right way by managers.
  • 57% of salespeople want more coaching from their managers.
  • 60% of salespeople want better coaching from their sales managers.

Too often, sales managers ask, “Why can’t my people hit their sales targets?” Yet very few ask, “How can I be a better sales coach for my people?” If salespeople report to you, your number one responsibility is to coach. Our research shows that salespeople want more coaching and better coaching. Coaching is how you bring value to your sales team. Coaching requires commitment to your team and time in the field. You can’t coach from the locker room. In Coaching for Sales Success, sales leaders will learn how to coach their sales team and manage the sales process more effectively.

This one-day program will help you become a more effective sales coach!

Here are the topics covered in this session:

  • How to build and sustain the value-added movement
  • Recruiting and selecting top-achievers
  • Setting SMARTER sales objectives
  • Training and developing
  • Sales team motivation
  • Coaching your sales team
  • Delivering feedback that inspires positive change
  • Value-added coaching reviews
  • Understanding your communication and behavioral style (DISC)
  • Recognizing your teams’ behavioral style

After attending this session, you will be able to:

  • Develop a plan to create a value-added culture within their organization;
  • Create a profile of the ideal salesperson and list three recruitment ideas to attract ideal candidates;
  • Identify three qualitative and quantitative objectives to help salespeople reach their goals;
  • Plan and organize productive sales meetings that focus on performance, training, and development;
  • Create a motivational environment that inspires their sales team; and
  • Develop a coaching plan to help their sales team reach their full potential and sell more profitably.

When you embrace this message, you will coach more effectively and inspire your team to compete on value, not price.

Fee for the Coaching for Sales Success public seminar: $1,250.00 per participant
(Limited to 15 participants)
Scroll to the bottom of the page for registration.

ON-SITE Training Location:
Tom Reilly Training
171 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO  63005
(St. Louis area – Airport code: STL)

Public Seminar Registration

Complete the form below or call (636) 778-0175 to register for our next ON-SITE public seminar. Upcoming seminars and dates shown in the dropdown boxes below.