Keynote Presentations

Presented by Paul Reilly


This tone-setting presentation introduces audience members to Value-Added Selling and encourages them to embrace it in their go-to-market strategies. In a competitive market, differentiation is key. What sets you apart from your competitors? Why should customers buy from you? How can you get them to return to you, again and again? What if I told you that you can compete aggressively and outsell the competition while maintaining your profitability? It’s possible through Value-Added Selling.

Value-Added Selling is a business philosophy. It’s a process that involves proactively looking for ways to enhance, augment and enlarge your bundled package for the customer. It is promising a lot and delivering more. It is contributing maximum value to the customer relationship. It is selling to the customer’s needs, not against the competition.

There are salespeople that compete on price and others that compete based on their total value. Value-added salespeople bring value to their customers along three dimensions of value: their products, their company, and themselves. This presentation is designed for a general audience of salespeople and their managers. Here are the topics covered in this presentation:

  • What is Value?
  • What is Value-added?
  • What is the right Value-add-itude?
  • Ten characteristics of top-achieving salespeople
  • Value-Added Selling is more than a book—the philosophy and process of creating and     communicating your value
  • Differentiating your Value-added
  • How to sell value added

Audience Value Proposition

When audience members embrace the value-added selling philosophy and execute its strategies tactically, they sell aggressively and profitably in their markets.

Crush Price Objections

Price objections were the spark that ignited the Value-Added Selling revolution. Even though price objections remain the number one objection salespeople encounter on a daily basis, salespeople are woefully unprepared to deal with them. This results in price-sensitive customers out-negotiating salespeople. You win price wars one price battle at a time.

Crush Price Objections arms salespeople with the tactical knowledge they need to prevail in price negotiations—to persist when buyers resist. Crush Price Objections is an expanded topic from Value-Added Selling. The specific focus of this program is dealing with price-sensitive customers and protecting margins. This presentation is designed for a general audience of salespeople and their managers. Here are the topics covered in this presentation:

  • Introduction to Crush Price Objections
  • Pre-emptively guiding the conversation down a path of value
  • Ten realities of price resistance that shape the price-sensitive landscape
  • The latest research on price shoppers
  • Preparing to sell in a price-sensitive market
  • Utilizing pressure points to make price less of an issue
  • Gaining a pre-emptive selling advantage with better questions
  • Key strategies for price objections

Audience Value Proposition

When audience members embrace this message, and apply these strategies and tactics, they gain a pre-emptive selling advantage and respond effectively to price resistance if it surfaces.

Selling Value In Tough Times

This tone-setting presentation introduces audience members to the inspirational and practical message of hanging tough mentally and hanging on to profit in tough times. You fight this battle on two fronts. One, you fight it on the streets with your knowledge and skills. Two, you fight it in your mind—your thinking and your attitude.

In tough times, some companies survive, some fail, and some thrive. The theme of this presentation is that you can thrive and gain traction in tough times. The choice belongs to you. This presentation is designed for a general audience of salespeople and their managers experiencing tough times during a recession or industry downturns. Here are the topics covered in this presentation:

  • Tough times in perspective
  • Half the battle is in your head, and the other half is on the streets.
  • Positive and negative attitudes toward adversity
  • Twelve things salespeople can do in tough times to thrive

Audience Value Proposition

When audience members embrace the tough-times philosophy and execute its strategies and tactics, they will gain traction in their territories and thrive.

Humility Paradox Presentation

For Personal and Organizational Growth

Throughout history, hubris—pride without humility—is central to the downfall of humans. John Milton writes about it in Paradise Lost. Historians claim that hubris hastened the fall of the Roman Empire. Jealousy and pride, an insatiable appetite for power, and a self-deceiving invincibility led to Napoleon’s fall at Waterloo. Often grouped as one of the Seven Deadly Sins, many people believe pride was the original sin that led to the fall of man.

From selfless to selfies …We have gone from the “we” generation to the “me” generation to the “me-me” generation. Narcissism is at an all-time high, and empathy is at an all-time low. Pop culture idolizes the rich-and-famous, as celebrities flaunt over-the-top antics. From financial institutions that are too big to fail to leaders who feel they are too powerful to fall, faith in our institutions is at low ebb. Pride without humility is arrogance. There are three paths for personal and organizational growth in humility: Shrinking, Transcending, and Serving. Growth in humility through shrinking

Shrinking is growing. It is growing smaller, leaner, and more efficient. It is streamlining, the opposite of how people perceive growth.

  • Shrinking right sizes us, corralling our egos to fit the space we occupy. Paradoxically, anything that makes us small is good for us.
  • Shrinking helps us deal effectively with adversity, as we realize and accept that life is messy for everyone.
  • Organizations benefit from the rightsizing of shrinking as they become streamlined, efficient, and nimble organizations. Growth in humility through transcending

Transcending is excelling, surpassing, and growing. Growth begins with the humble admission that we can grow and develop.

  • Transcending separates us from the smallness of the self by connecting us to the bigger world.
  • Transcending encourages us to align ourselves with causes bigger than ourselves.
  • Transcending challenges us to grow, evolve, and develop into more complete versions of ourselves. Growth in humility through serving

Serving binds us to other people. As we serve, we subordinate our interests to the greater good of helping others. Our service humbles us in the presence of others, and we find purpose in this service.

  • Serving begins with the attitude of gratitude—that serving is a privilege, not a pain.
  • Serving enables us to participate versus dominate. This respects the initiative and input that others can offer.
  • Serving encourages us to focus outward, listen more than talk, shine the spotlight on others, and reach out to others without their asking for help.

Benefits for the individual, you will learn how to:

  • Build better relationships
  • Find peace and weather the storm
  • Live authentically
  • Become part of something greater than self
  • Share the spotlight with others
  • Participate versus dominate

For the organization, your employees will learn how to:

  • Build stronger teams
  • Become more effective leaders
  • Tear down the silos that separate and isolate people
  • Improve quality and service
  • Become more innovative
  • Engage change more effectively
  • Become more adaptable
  • Handle tough times better
  • Develop a common philosophy for the organization

Our next public seminar is

April 2 - 3, 2025