You can compete on total value, not just on price
Two-thirds of sales managers believe that selling value is the most perplexing problem facing salespeople today. The result of this is that more than half of all salespeople lead with price or concede price as a way to compete.
Value-Added Selling is a content-rich message of hope that offers salespeople a more effective way to compete. Value-Added Selling teaches salespeople how to sell their total value and get paid for it. When salespeople embrace the Value-Added Selling philosophy, adopt its attitudes, and execute its strategies and tactics, they compete aggressively and profitably in their markets.
Topics Covered in This Training
The Value-Added Philosophy
The Value-Added Organization—how companies compete with value-added
Introduction to Value-Added Selling
What buyers really want from sellers
Customer messaging (how to communicate your value persuasively)
Identifying your value-added
Constructing your Value-in-Purchasing List
Creating your Value Proposition
Identifying your Unique Selling Proposition
The Value-Added Sales Process®
The Critical Buying Path®
Value-added offensive selling strategies (how to acquire new business)
Value-added defensive selling strategies (how to retain and grow existing business)
Pre-call planning
The Value-Added Sales Call
Post-call activities
Role Play (practice with feedback)
Your Value Proposition
When you embrace the Value-Added Selling philosophy and execute its strategies tactically, you will compete aggressively and profitably on your total value, not price!
Two-Day Value-Added Selling / Download PDF
Join us June 20 – 21, 2017 for the next Value-Added Selling public seminar at Reilly Sales Training. The fee per person is $1,150.00. Please call with questions or to register, 636-778-0175. This program is presented by Paul Reilly of Reilly Sales Training.