Price objections are the salesperson’s number-one challenge. Salespeople want to stand firm on their pricing but fear losing a sale to price.

Tom Reilly wrote Crush Price Objections to help readers defend their prices and protect their margins by preparing them to sell in a price-sensitive environment, gain a pre-emptive selling advantage, avoid price resistance, and respond effectively when a price becomes an issue.

The book is in four parts, each focusing on a different aspect of price resistance. Part I teaches readers to think more like a businessperson when confronting price resistance. Part II shows sellers how to avoid objections. Part III provides information on how to respond to price objections. Part IV coaches readers on dealing with additional price-related topics that include developing a discount discipline and why, how and when to raise prices.

Paperback: 182 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 2nd edition (2010)

Language: English

ISBN: 10: 0-07-166466-1; 13: 978-0-07-166466-0

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